Grades 5 - 8

Cultivating independent minds: A curriculum for critical thinkers ready to discover the world

Our curriculum is designed to cultivate well-rounded students capable of engaging proficiently on local, national, and international levels, proficient in multiple languages. We emphasize critical thinking, debate skills, independence, and initiative. Through discovery, projects, and problem-solving, students enjoy academically challenging programs within small classes. The individualized and differentiated learning atmosphere enables students to excel beyond their peers.


Our Middle School Program offers a curriculum that integrates the best of Germany and Canada, focusing on competency-oriented and content-enriched learning. Rather than traditional subject divisions, our STEAM_MINT@GIST program combines Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, fostering inquiry-based learning. Additionally, what is known as "Social Studies" in Ontario schools is divided into History and Geography (following the curriculum of Thuringia) and Social Studies (addressing the socio-cultural History of Canada, Ontario, and Toronto).Students use iPads and laptops for practice, visualization, and research, developing skills like 10-finger touch typing and utilizing various apps and programs.


Our courses feature 50% German instruction and 50% English instruction and include French, fostering a bilingual environment. Language support for both German and English continues until Grade 10.


Our Middle School Program significantly emphasizes MINT (Mathematics, Information technology, Natural sciences, and Technology). The STEAM_MINT@GIST program follows the principles of inquiry-based learning, encouraging students to ask questions, conduct experiments, and link scientific work with knowledge in the natural sciences and humanities.


When transitioning to a Canadian or German school, our students experience seamless and successful transitions. Quality management is a priority, ensuring that every student can prosper and reach their full potential. We encourage students to participate in standardized third-party testing, including Thuringia Competency Tests in Grades 6 and 8, Grade 6 EQAO, and Ontario’s competency test for English and Mathematics. Additional resources are provided to support student success.

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